Artificial Intelligence : How artificial intelligence causes fraud, how to avoid it

Artificial Intelligence : Amidst the rapid changes taking place in the world of technology, experts advise people not to “trust everything and everyone”. Experts in the field of cyber security have issued this advisory amid reports of fraud on citizens through Artificial Intelligence.

Impersonating a person through AI is facilitating big financial frauds. This process leaves no evidence behind. Currently, there is a craze for Artificial Intelligence. People prefer to have their work done by AI chatbots and technology.

Artificial Intelligence

On the one hand, this technology has made people’s lives easier. and Problems have started in many places. With the help of this technology, digital fraudsters are defrauding people by using deepfakes.

In such a situation, even investigation is difficult, leave alone bringing back the looted money. It has reached such a level that experts advise people not to accept calls from unknown numbers or unfamiliar individuals.

Experts in the field of cyber security believe that to face these challenges, it is necessary to bring a change in thinking.


Artificial Intelligence

How does deepfake scam happen?

  • Fraudsters collect some important information about the victim, like as photos, videos, audio recordings. This results in the creation of a duplicate identity that looks authentic.
  • Artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques process to create models that produce identical deepfake content.
  • After this, this model creates a deepfake video and audio, which can fool someone.

How to recognize deepfake scam

  • The caller’s voice may have changed slightly.
  • The caller will ask you for personal and important information.
  • The caller will ask for financial help or will behave differently.
  • If you ask questions to verify the call, it will not give you the correct answer.

What to do and what not to do to avoid such calls or messages.

  • Install a phone verification app first.
  • If you can’t do this, don’t pick up calls from unknown numbers, send them via text or WhatsApp.
  • If the person says they met you, Ask what color shirt you wore on this visit.
  • Use common sense, do not trust any phone call from an unknown number.
  • Ensure that you have an anti-virus app on your phone. If not, you may scammed.
  • Antivirus app helps you in identifying any fake link.
  • Do not open any link, video or text as OTP can passed through it.
  • Exercise caution sharing photos of yourself and your children on social media.
  • If you are a victim of cyber fraud, lodge your report on You can contact 1930.

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